Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spencer, West Virginia-the old south........

I love the way my husband got this picture of the Confederate flag unfurling--his pics used to be pretty bad--but I guess hanging around me so long-he's finally taking notice of how to take better pics!!  Or my lectures....umm........ 
Atop the hillside of Spencer, W.Virginia is a small park dedicated to the men and women who bravely fought for their beliefs-whether you are Union or Confederate I feel you need to respect and honor these men and women-who fought, struggled, and many died for their convictions-both Blue and Grey.
You gotta love their determination--the large Confederate flag......with a tiny United States flag beside it..still waves today!

While I was attending the most fabulous Chickens In the Road Retreat a few miles down the road--my husband found this little adventure....he's a Civil War buff!   And the Civil War was in more places then I ever would have believed....but he is finding them all !

I'm sorry to anyone who might take offense--but this story is fabulous!!  I would have liked to have met this Nancy Hart-what a woman!

So what do you notice about this pic of the cannon--aimed down at the Yanks.........I'm a damn Yankee thru and thru....but I did enjoy this story!
I love this story....well the part about flying the flag over the privy wasn't very nice of those boys....but it was war..........


Lynne said...

You inspire me to get out and explore the country! Great pictures and history segments. (I liked the woman too!)

Nancy said...

Amazing how long that old cannon has survived. Great post and very interesting. I love history!

Clint Baker said...

This is just an hour or so away from my house. My Grandmothers family is from there! Awesome!


Anonymous said...

It's the stone ruins that used to be the barn? WoW! Amazing!
Great historical post

Thanks for sharing w/ us at Barn Charm =)

Anonymous said...

I guess I should have said 'historic' instead of 'historical' - scatter-brained is what I am! LoL! =)

Unknown said...

Wow, that's cool! What a beautiful barn that must have been! Found you though Barn Charm.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

neat. love the history. (:

Mari said...

We love civil war history and I agree that we need to honor and respect all those who died. I love the pictures and the stories you shared here.

Michaele said...

I didn't have time to read all this yesterday, so I came back today. I love this stuff and thinking about how things were during war as well as peaceful times. Our ancestors were so tough!

smilla4blogs said...

Oh! To be "deadly as a copperhead...with considerable charm!"

Great stories and a wonderful post!

Lili said...

Wow, you got to go to another CITR retreat?! Jealous! ~Lili

GardenOfDaisies said...

But.... West Virginia was part of the north. Actually "West Virginia" didn't exist yet... But the people in that region of Virginia that later became West Virginia, didn't support the confederacy. And they applied for statehood based on their differences with the rest of Virginia. WEll... apparently not the case in this town. I'm wondering if it's a border town, where people weere pulled both ways....I'll have to go look it up on a map.
History is fascinating.