Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Enjoying a visit from my best friends granddaughter.....

Talking things over with grandma thru her Teddy Bear.........

Seven weeks old......
Snuggling with mommy in the crib her mom's  grandpa made her 29 years ago.

Of course we had to take her to the lake....

She's such a doll.....
Alden can't quite figure out what all the fuss is about........

Those eyes are something else.......!

And she instantly falls asleep when she hears the vacuum cleaner....... Of course in my day we had to really vacuum ..... Now there's an app on mommy s iPhone!!!!........good grief.........!!!

Rain :)


Lynne said...

Amazing how grown up your little grand looks next to the baby! . . . such a cute little one she is.

What is the world coming to. We used to hold and sing lullabies . . . and now, an app on the iPhone. Yikes! There is a new tv show coming out just for animals! So they won't get lonely when their real people parents are away from the house. Double YIKES . . .

Buttons Thoughts said...

She is so beautiful and Alden standing there looking at her is an amazing shot.
Wow a vacuum baby sleeper without a vacuum I love that. We used to take our colicky girl for a car ride wonder if they have an app for that:) HUGS B

Janice Grinyer said...

Oh what a tiny cute little peanut she is!!! Your lil' grandaughter looks like shes ready for preschool compared to her - they grow up FAST!

and an app on a phone for vacuum cleaner noise? ack!!! But if it works in those tight spots when you really need it - im all for technology ;)!

Trace4J said...

What a beautiful new blessing.
I love her big eyes too.
Wow has your granny boy grown.
Woolie Blessings

TexWisGirl said...

she is adorable. :)

Michaele said...

Amazing eyes! I didn't realize how small she was until I saw her next to the little guy.