Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Packing for short trip to Fla.......

Should we take the tractor.....   ?

The Polar Express...........?

The right wheels are important.......

Land ho.......

We are definitely trying these out next summer......!!

But my trip to Fla will be helping my cousin on the plane and between planes... She had a very serious operation a few wks ago.. She will recover but it will be about 18 mos the Dr says before she's back to normal.... Considering the alternative she's doing great- getting around w the walker- and for a woman who's used to 18 holes of golf 5-6 times a wk- every week!- she's working hard now!! But if anyone can make it back there she will ! So just when I was packing summer away- the clothes and  sandals can stay out for a couple more weeks!!
Rain :)


Michaele said...

Enjoy one last hurrah! Bless you for helping her.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, bless her - and you. :)