Friday, May 24, 2013

Fifth straight day of pouring rain and winds........

Our world is turning green...... But we aren't used to quite this much rain.......
The rhubarb is growing huge.......

My grandmothers lilies-of-the-valley bring back such fond memories.........

Blueberries are needing some sun....?!?!......

 Plants need to get into the garden.... Being blown around....
To plant in the rain or wait..........
Hens and chicks are looking good.......

No buds................raindrops......... More green.......

My row of lilacs are bending down...... A great shelter for some wet hens........

Many are hiding from the soaking........

Kisses on the couch for Gigi .........snuggles... ...... and another showing of the Nemo movie....!.....
and all is well................

Have a beautiful weekend my friends...... And thank a Veteran!!!
Fondly, Rain :) 


Michaele said...

I hear you girlfriend! The worst part here is not being able to mow and being afraid of being taken over by the brome grass. I got a few plants in and some seeds, but so much more to do - meanwhile the weeds are also trying to take over. That last photo is priceless! Love it. What the hell - let it rain.

Lynne said...

Rain, rain go away come again another day.
Little Rain wants to play . . .

Where did your name Rain come from? Such a pretty name. Hope you will enjoy "a few bright spots" this weekend.

Katherines Corner said...

lovely post! Thank you for sharing at the hop xo

smilla4blogs said...

It was a dreary week, but you still manage to express such ineffable tenderness with an old movie and a snuggle! So! Out of the rain and into a sauna it would seem!