Monday, December 9, 2013

Santa's I've come to love..........

From my mom.....1990

From my cousin Laurie.......

From my daughter , Lucy when she was 9........

My friend Cheryl- several yrs ago...

Knit by mom..... 1994.....

From Claire......

Enjoy your Christmas season my friends........

Rain :)


Trace4J said...

What beautiful Santa treasures friend.
Woolie Christmas Blessings

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Rain I love your Santa's but I have to say I love and can feel the memories and love that they carry with them that is the best part. Hug B

Lynne said...

Loved this Rain . . . I may copy you and link to you. IF I ever finish getting my Santa's out from the boxes. I am so behind schedule this year! TODAY, it is a must! Happy Monday to you . . .

TexWisGirl said...

really, really cute and special collection.

Michaele said...

This is a wonderful collection and well taken care of.