Sunday, April 27, 2014

So much going on!!

My friends greenhouses are open today.....
They had their doors closed to keep the rainy cold out--but inside the wood stoves were pumping out heat and the flowers-colors- smells of dirt and blossoms were fantastic!!!  I managed only to buy a few for now- indoors and outdoors everyday is a little much!!

Been busy with important things..... Like getting tattoos!!
Reading books......

Decorating Easter eggs........

Oh my....... Fabulous news....... This grand (& her mom and dad!) are moving back home in a couple months!!  
You might say we are excited!!!

Everyone is excited!!
Now finding an apartment.. That's an adventure!!

Always keep in mind our soldiers.....
It's guard weekend for this little guys daddy.... This is a photo taken when he was only a few months old.....
Plus remember all the soldiers in harms way..... far away from their families......

Have a great week--Rain


Michaele said...

Wonderful post Rain. Filled with good things and family and excitement. I am thrilled for you to have family moving closer to home. My granddaughter is soon to be closer to me. They are moving from New Mexico to Kansas. Not all the way here, but much closer. That last photo is priceless.

Lynne said...

Good news, family close by . . . nice post Rain!

TexWisGirl said...

hope your family is closer by now! :)