Friday, May 27, 2011

So the Pearly gate was slammed shut--with me still on this side!!

I've so missed all my blogging friends!    So sick I couldn't even get on computer to read any posts-much less post on mine!    A week ago Wed. my daughter drove me to walk in care in time for full blown  anaphylactic reaction to something--they scolded me afterward-for not going to the ER-driving past it in fact-but that's where my peeps are I said and I don't know anyone in the ER!   I tell you there's nothing like walking in that bad off and being greeted by a huge bear hug from a nurse I worked with for 25+ years!

These photos are just some of the reasons why when blood pressure dropped to nadda-throat closing in-oxygen dropping and the white light--that really happens-you can hear and vaguely see the nurses and PA beside you-but can't understand what they are saying!--anyway the light was surrounding me all except straight ahead-and in the classic "fight or light" syndrome-- I was fighting!!    Spent a few hours there and was discharged home-with severe warnings to GO TO ER next time!!  Well-really where would you rather be!!?
And of course now I have to see an allergist because -we have no idea what triggered it!  happened at 8am -so only thing different was a new ketchup!--yes I have ketchup on my omelet!!  Was trying a new organic-no carb-no sugar-expensive! and yes it did taste good!       And then I had a reaction to one of the 3 meds they gave me to get over the allergic attack-and was so sick abed with terrible diarrhea and dehydration for 4 days-and couple more days to get strength back from that-and finally feeling GOOD!!

 Sweater my mom just made for little Alden-will fit him in the fall perfectly!  It's beautiful and the color just didn't come out right-it's a beautiful creamy butter color-wonderful on him-hopefully it will match his hair if he gets some by then!!  Love to tease his mom!  He doesn't care-just laughs at us both!!

My maintenance man gets me a hanging fuchsia plant every mothers day-says I have done a wonderful job with our girls-brought tears to my eyes!

can you believe Shirley is 7 years old!!
At the Gettysburg museum store last summer my maintenance man actually posed with this hat on for his Alabamian sister and brother in law and niece and nephew!!   Sometimes he surprises me! which I guess is good after 34+ years!!
And that's my little adventure this past week-afterward I did tell the Lord if he really needed me to go I would try to behave-course it really just isn't in me!--but I was just soooo not ready!


TexWisGirl said...

oh my goodness! how terrible for you!!! i'm so glad the door was closed and they shoo'd you back for now! :) glad you're finally feeling a bit better! goodness gracious!

Rae said...

Holy crap, you've been through the ringer! Good to hear you're doing better, and glad to have ya back! :)

Michaele said...

Wow! How frightening - to not even know what caused it! I would be inclined to go where I trusted people also, but when every minute counts... So glad you are back!

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

Am so glad you didn't follow the light! Hope you have found with triggered the reaction. Glad you are feeling better and back to posting... missed ya!

Lili said...

Very scary Rain! Plus who knew organic could be so bad for you, hope you find out for sure if that was it or not. I would want an epi pen for home after that. So glad you're okay now! ~Lili

barbara said...

Oh my heavens, I am SO glad you are okay!!

Your maintenance man gets you flowers? My husband doesn't even do that. ;)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

So glad you are okay! That sounds scary! My youngest had an allergic reaction last month - I had to rush him in. He's scheduled to see a pediatric specialist in allergies in mid June. I'm dreading that 2 hour appt!
I love all of your beautiful pictures!

Diann said...

Oh Rain! What a terrifing time you have had! thank God you are recovering! You young lady, take care of yourself! All your pictures are beautiful especially he ones of the little cutepie!

smilla4blogs said...

Dear Rain, I was able to read this frightening story, but was unable to login to leave a comment (due to recent Blogger glitches.) I can't tell you how distressed I felt not being able to offer some comfort and cheer to a neighbor and fellow blogger. I hope you are feeling better and enjoying all the things that make life so meaningful...and that you pass along to your readers. All best wishes!