Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rainy day and cross stitch in Maine......

 This is a wall hanging of cross stitched teapots my mom made me!!  I LOVE IT!!  There is something for everyone in it!!  Which is your favorite teapot?..............................

Here in Maine it's a rainy-vegie soup in the crock pot kind of a day!!



barbara said...

This is a gorgeous-looking crockpot stew!

TexWisGirl said...

i like the watermelon teapot. :)

Kay's flowers said...

I like the teapot in the top right hand corner that is yellow and looks like there are pears and flowers on it. My eye just goes to that one first. What a beautiful piece.
That looks like a marvelous pot of soup.

Debbie said...

Lovet it! And I am so glad I found you...we have so much in common! I live in Maine, on blueberry plains, love crafts and animals and cooking and many similar things you do. I will be back soon and thanks for coming by my blog!

Lili said...

It's raining again today and that vegie soup looks mighty good to me! My eye was drawn to the teapot with the starfish on it...wonder why. hehe ~Lili