Friday, October 21, 2011

Was having a wicked busy-hectic-hair-pulling couple of weeks.........

........then my 51 yr old brother has a heart attack.~~~~~~~

Reality check..........

                               Priorities slip into place really fast...............loved ones......God......hugs.......

                          We are reminded just how important and precious each life is.............

            Thankfully my brother is fine.....cardiac cath showed no damage to his heart-surprisingly...but an irregular heart rhythm-which the new medication will help control.  A wake up call for us all to appreciate every little thing and every moment we have with each other.

 This is my brother Pete-on the right-with his youngest son on the 4th of July-with the homemade meat smoker they made together!  They are both very inventive!  His two sons and step-sons think the world of him-he's a real hands-on dad and also his new little grandson.

Last week-my maintenance man and I celebrated 39 years is is good.


TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the good reminder. SO glad your brother is fine!!! whew!

Trace4J said...

Happy Anniversary Friend!
How wonderful. Another great precious photo. Life is soo good.
So happy your brother is fine too.

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'm sorry to hear about your brother, but I'm happy to hear that he's going to be good! Life is very precious, I lost my mom last month, so I understand how precious life is.

Have a wonderful weekend . . . try baking the pie, you won't be disappointed!

I'm now following you!


Kelly said...

I work in ICU and every day is a reminder to take time and appreciate what we are given. Another thing to remember, update your Living Will! There is life worse than death. Now that was morbid. LOL. Happy Anniversary!

smilla4blogs said...

Dear Rain, how relieved I am to read your brother has come through this crises with flying colors, but those early hours must have been very frightening. Years ago, I knew a woman from the Seychelles who used to say to me, "Madame, you know today, but you don't know tomorrow." I've never forgotten that, and that the small things, every day, are the most precious.

39 years, on the other hand, is HUGE by today's standards. Cause for a celebration of the heart!

Michaele said...

So glad it was just a wake up call and not worse. My oldest daughter's dad died this last week. We hadn't seen him in over 20 years, so I was a little surprised at the emotions that arose. Yes, we need reminders every day.
And I could use some more of photos of that little guy. You were just teasing us with the one.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your brother... hope he gets better quick & doesn't have to suffer anymore that necessary... God bless him!!!

I love that 1st shot of the partial blue fence...

Mary Ann said...

My father had his first at 43... scary times - I hope your brother recovers fully and quickly!

Daryl said...

Loving your blog... thanks for all the sharing. Blessings for your anniversary and prayers for your brothers continued good health!

Lili said...

Oh Rain, what a scare, but so glad you're brother is doing fine now. And WOW 39 years together, that is FABULOUS! Happy Anniversary to you two! ~Lili